I'm not that fancy, but when I do I'll be the poorest.

Assalamualaikum & Greetings. 
Don't get the title? Forgive my weirdness.
Cookie Jar.


I'm just trying to get the pictures that started with C ;) not really, just coincidence. About the title, it didn't mean much, just me trying to help but unfortunately i forgot about my own problem. Well that is bad. I tried to be ignorance or not to be too kind but it flows in my veins and i couldn't undo it like a spell .. So, I'm gonna watch The Heirs and gonna pack my stuff at night ;) Adios. Why? I'm heading back to UiTM Segamat this 24th. Pitiful, yet I will make my entrance with a proud face. I care less about the people who want to lecture, bash or something like that. I'm gonna try to change for my future, myself, my family and whoever knows me. Pray for me, InsyaAllah it will all be better for your situation right now...


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